Monday 4 March 2013

Week in review...

Firstly, happy 1st of March! I know its the 4th of March but I didn't post this up on the 1st so I'll do it now. Apparently, its a tradition in Bulgaria to go around and give friends bracelets. These bracelets are red signifying health and white signifying happiness. Or the other way round, I can't remember. Anyway, my friend told me that at the end of the day (back in Bulgaria where she comes from) you'll get so many of these bracelets from all your friends it goes all the way up your arm, or half of your arm. 

She also said something about tying them to flowers that have blossomed or something like that. I think its such a cool tradition that every should have. I am forever adopting this tradition. Hopefully, I'll never lose my bracelet as it's suppose to bring good luck. (Thanks to my dear friend who gave it to me.)

On that same day I was part of the organising team for a Fun Run event to raise funds for charity. It was basically hundreds of kids running around and mascots racing each other and stuff. It was quite a day, a windy day in fact.

The last book I bought from The Book Depository came, and so did the other stuff from Amazon. Boring stuff like hooks and ink. Boring but extremely important stuff.

The book I bought is titled Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. I don't usually read these kinds of books, and even the cover doesn't attract me (repels me in fact), but I've seen it on so many people's favourite books list that I assume it must be good. They're all girls of course. I shall read it and tell you all about it. If I like it I may even get it as a present for a friend when her birthday comes around. I love birthday presents!

I went to watch a play in the beginning of the week, I'll write all about it in a post after this. Complete with pictures and all, but don't expect too much, I am horrid at taking pictures. As I'm sure you can tell.

Three books for one presentation. This pretty much sums up my weekend. And all for nothing as my seminar today got cancelled. It was so nice outside as well... Which brings us to...

Flowers! Ok, I don't know if these particular flowers were always there but I just realised them today. And the others haven't actually blossomed yet. Coming from a country where there are literally no seasons, I never knew the significance of seeing flowers blooming. But now I get it, it means winter is on its way out. I can't wait, people tell me Spring is the best. But they also tell me that English Spring is unpredictable.

We shall see :) 

Hope you had a great week.

Love xx

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