Tuesday 12 March 2013

Here's to new beginnings...

I guess I'm late again, but its been an up and down week and a few days. Last week I was pretty much a support system to friends watching them perform, being there to talk and whatever other else. Me and my team also braved the cold windy Durham weather standing outside the library trying to sell tickets for and event to no avail. We're trying again tomorrow because we really need to get those tickets off our ands or our "overlords" as one member calls them will be pretty damn mad.

Sunday came and it was the big day that was marked on the calendar-manifestos and hustings. Well, manifestos were handed in before that but we also talked about our manifestos naturally. It was freaaaking intense. Not gonna lie. 

Monday night came around, my friends and I went to a Chinese Lantern event organised by DU Happy Society. First of all, Happy Society? Wtf. What do they even do? But I mean come on, Chinese Lanterns are cool so we went. But despite RSVPing and paying 1 pound, we didn't even get a lantern. We were pretty disappointed. No, we were very disappointed. So we promised that we'll organise it ourselves under our event which we husted for-provided we got the roles we wanted...

I learnt that setting up a Chinese lantern is by no means and easy task. The wind was blowing like mad and it generally was a pretty disappointing night.

But tonight, tonight is the night that some thing different feels set in motion. I can't point my finger at it, I can't figure out exactly what it is.

We had a concert tonight. Yes, I stole the poster and it is now hanging nicely and being appreciated as it rightfully deserved. I sneakily took it down from the venue and walked out surreptitiously so no one could tell it was missing.  Not like they would care anyway.

It was a good performance we had tonight and I came back to even more love and good news.

I originally double booked my night. I had a concert to perform in and a formal to attend. How smart. Luckily I found someone to go in place of me so I can save all my Sunday night rehearsals and end the term with satisfaction. Like I said, it was a good concert. I'm really happy I made it, really happy they accepted me, just really happy in general. 

I came back and my friends saved me a tub of ice cream from the formal and oh my Lord strawberry cheesecake is awessooome. Just had to point that out in case you didn't already know.

Speaking about getting roles that we want. We got the roles that we wanted all right. My aforementioned team and I selling the tickets all belong to a society and we all ran for committee positions. We will officially be leading the society in its new direction in the academic year 2013/2014. Tomorrow, we are going to be outside the library once again and I can't believe that we all made it. We are going to be such a happy bunch! I'm pretty excited of our prospects and what will happen and what will be. This good gut feeling that I have is a sign to good things. 

And though the new start won't happen until we get through this year first, it will wait patiently as time flies past like a bullet so fast you wouldn't even notice it. I'm looking forward to it. But I have to say, I'm just happy. Plain and simply happy and satisfied. 

Love xx

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