Tuesday 13 August 2013

Flying angels, ripped abs, giant yakults. Summer is here...

After exams, I stayed back in the UK for way too long to wait for the 2013 Fina World Aquatic Championships in Barcelona. Thankfully, it was well worth the wait, although I was thoroughly homesick by the end of it. My function was under media at the diving competition. I took flash quotes from the divers after they completed all their rounds, basically I conducted mini interviews and got a taster of what being a journalist feels like. I loved it! I am aware its because my responsibility was super small, so don't go blasting me for thinking I know exactly what it takes to be journalist, I don't. I also got a little bit involved in some translation work, and I must say it was pretty enjoyable too, except for the fact that I fail absolutely at languages. I shall brush up all my existing known languages and continue to work hard to pick up more. 

I had an absolutely amazing time in Barcelona volunteering. The people I worked with were the best and were so friendly. I made sure to have tapas and loads and loads of Sangria. If you ever go there, choose anyone of the eating places along Las Ramblas, order yourself a litre of Sangria and just drink. Boy, you'll feel extremely happy after that.

Also, what made me very happy was getting extremely close to James Magnussen's abs. The event he won was an absolute cracker and I'm super glad to have been able to watch it. Go team Australia! Lol, don't mind me. Here are some picture I have to share with you, excuse the bluriness. 1, I was sitting rather far. 2, my camera isn't that good :(. 3, I suck.

I just have to add before I leave, James Magnussen is an extremely beautiful man. I love him. I really don't. But he is beautiful.

Hope you have a cracking day! (Saying cracking a lot for some reason.)

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