Sunday 22 September 2013

Intern Diaries: My Last week...

I'm praying for a good week. I mean why not? Its my last one here isn't it? I think its funny how I've stayed in two major iconic countries and steered away from the big city, only to find myself experiencing the metropolitan life here back home. I guess it isn't such a surprise surprise! thing, but I'm an oddity. My life has no pattern and make no sense even to me. 

Life is running at lightning pace and I can't help but follow along with it, time stops like never. And even though I am desperately needing time to have a breather, I know that isn't going to happen.

Anyways, Monday blues. My printing stuff hasn't arrive and I honestly don't want to spend my morning stressing out about these things. Too many things not worth it hovering across my mind. I need to teach myself how to let go. There're still a lot of things I need to learn, top of the list: Stress management.

With that, I think I'll get back to work. Although, I can't do anything now as I'm waiting for printing and orders from my supervisors, whom are incidentally on holiday/promotional trip/ US. Unconventional times making me stressed. There you go, stress management... 


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