Hello Internet world,
I have been very absent lately, but that's only because I have done literally nothing interesting enough to be counted as worthwhile. However, this past week was the start of my life changing. Its not anything drastic or anything, but I will have less of a life and more pains and bruises. Oh yes, training (rowing) four times a week in seven days every single God damn week to try to reach a level to break into senior level. It is going to hurt so much but its worth it isn't? Hopefully.
Time has seemed to pass slowly and rapidly all in the same. Birthdays, Bops and Beers have flown out the window yet the calendar tells me its only been two weeks since I came back. Its all relative I suppose (Einsteinism! Every once in a while, I wished I was a genius so I could study Physics.) And now Easter seems to be staring me right in the face yet its still a long 7 weeks to go. I haven't yet figured out how I shall pass my Easter alone but we'll leave it to then to solve that problem.
Last night I made the call that I have been putting off for weeks-I had my tickets home change. It will all be clear soon but again it really isn't anything drastically exciting, just me and some plans that may or may not transpire. Summer is going to be interesting, it is going to be wild, new and an adventure. It may also be a wish come true and a tick of the bucket list but then it may just become one of those things I tried and failed. But again, we'll see.
The new week has technically started and so has the new year. Maybe I am a little late getting myself hyped for a new start but its always better late than never and I am never one to push off optimism since it comes ever so rarely to me (I really don't think that's completely true). So here's to a whole new set of possibilities waiting to be experienced.
Much love...
Just sing me a song, I know all the words to, and I'll sing along
Could you be my saviour?
Boys like Girls-Someone Like you