Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Good morning, Baltimore...

Good morning to everyone! The sun is shining mildly where I'm at and it is no where near Baltimore, but that was the only thing that has been playing on repeat in my mind for the past ten minutes. Though I have seen better days and lighter moods, given the damp and swompy snow last evening, this is really more than I could ask for. I hope the sun is shining where you're at :)

I am now officially on vacation, and its the second day of my five week long easter break. Yes, five weeks, in addition to the 4 weeks of Christmas break, on top of our 3 month long summer break. What do we pay for? LOL. Well, you can imagine how stressful actual term time is. Its really quite over here now in Durham as 70% of students have already left for home, some of which will have already reach the warmth of the tropical climate. Oh, how I wish...

But for the rest of us stuck up here in isolation, we'll have to make do with whatever we have. And it really isn't that bad at all. This is what I had for breakfast, and is likely to be what I'll be having for lunch and dinner for a very long time. Tea and toast, luckily, I love food no matter the complexity or simplicity. So I'm good. But given the simplicity of this particular meal, I had to work disproportionately hard for it travelling up and down two flights of stairs because someone stole our toaster, and the kettle on the 2nd floor is gone. So depending on what you want to eat, you'd have to go to the floor that has the appliance required. Sad but true story indeed.

In case you were curious, there is vacation catering available but the cost of it is way too much for me to justify. I am on a rather tight budget so I decided to give it a pass, I don't eat that much anyway. (Although I have to admit this is rather sad).

The last of my friends leaving left on Monday morning (yesterday) and she left me with her beautiful bunch of flowers. I realised this past month that I do indeed love flowers. Twice now I have been given flowers, but neither have been specifically for me or meant for something special. But I'm not complaining, whatever the reason, the flowers on my table makes me really happy. Especially given their pretty pink colour.

You could see hints of my curtains sneaking into the pictures. I just had to say that I hate the colour. It borders on disgusting. I'm sure that there are many more better options to take compared to the ugly faded green that greets me every single morning as well as every second I sit in my room. But I guess, they did say that this is the worst block out of all the blocks. Apparently, it will be refurbished at the end of this academic year, which is when I move out. Just my luck. But it doesn't matter, its comfy, I gotta admit.

The Durham bubble is quiet. There is an odd serenity in the air, and I think I ought to travel down to the market to get some food that will keep me alive. But so long as I am fine with my bread and butter, I doubt that I will be able to motivate myself to walk 20 minutes into town and then back up again.

For now, let me leave you with this beautiful song Apartment by Young the Giant. I don't really understand what it means, then again it feels like I do but am hoping for it to mean something else. I'll stop writing now as I do realise that this has been an oddly long post. Many words in my brain now that there's no one else to talk to I guess.

Thanks for reading! Hope you have a lovely day.

Love xx

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Friday, 15 March 2013

City of Bones...

Fantasy is my favourite genre. But for some reason I felt like if I read this when I was 15 I would be in love with this book as oppose to what I feel now, which is rather subdued satisfaction. I remember reading somewhere that this book had vampires and after all the diamond shining skins of Twilight's vampires I had enough. But promise, this is nothing like that. In fact there is hardly any importance to the vampires here, at least in the first book.

I guess the fact that its a whole series of books put me off buying it. I thought I would be desperate to get my hands on the next book after finishing this book, but I did not. I will eventually, there's just no urgent desire for it.

I quite like the story and certainly want to know what happens next. I don't really know what to say without giving too much away since my biggest impression of the book is basically the whole point of the book. So I won't say much at all. 

It was a good read, didn't bore me to death and was definitely exciting at certain points. I'd definitely recommend it as a read but if you're a little older (or if you see yourself as more mature), passing on it wouldn't be like missing a momentous life event or anything like that. Overall it was pretty enjoyable.

Would I recommend this book?
How much do I rate this book?
Will I read other works from this author?

You can always get your copy of The City of Bones from The Book Depository.

Thanks for reading! Hope you have a lovely Easter :)

Love xx

False promises in the middle of the night...

Winter just won't go away

This is my vacation.

Note the EXAM.

Just to reiterate my point.

Its the final day of the term and everyone has a sense of freedom that has been elusive for the whole duration of this Epiphany Term. Where did all the time go? I wonder to myself, no idea. My insecurities are bursting at its seams. Maybe its because they are coming into the spotlight now there's nothing immediate I have to deal with. There's a slight air of vulnerability in the air that contains a magical aura within it. It feels like we could all be something really special if we come clean with the truth and take down our masks. But its unlikely we ever will because its easier just to run away, and so we run away.

The corridors are emptying themselves out and by tomorrow we will know who are the ones that have to go through Easter separated away from home. Tomorrow Durham will be more quiet than it already is. And somehow I think I would like it like that. The absence of all the familiar faces would take away the invisible chains that may weigh me down in whatever way they do. But as fine as I was about staying here for 5 weeks, a sudden pang of misery envelopes me as I think of home and of warmth. Winter doesn't seem to want to leave us here in England. I'm getting worried it will never. 

I don't know what its going to be like but I'll continue to remind myself of the love I have and can't see, and the opportunities that I can have. I'll think about the strength that I will gain and the future that holds so much promise for me. I sit and pray here asking God to give me love that I can recognise sometime soon. Love in the form of a friend, of trust and of silent understanding. Of laughter and of magical wonder. Let all my suffering be rewarded with love. I just ask of that.

Love xx

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Here's to new beginnings...

I guess I'm late again, but its been an up and down week and a few days. Last week I was pretty much a support system to friends watching them perform, being there to talk and whatever other else. Me and my team also braved the cold windy Durham weather standing outside the library trying to sell tickets for and event to no avail. We're trying again tomorrow because we really need to get those tickets off our ands or our "overlords" as one member calls them will be pretty damn mad.

Sunday came and it was the big day that was marked on the calendar-manifestos and hustings. Well, manifestos were handed in before that but we also talked about our manifestos naturally. It was freaaaking intense. Not gonna lie. 

Monday night came around, my friends and I went to a Chinese Lantern event organised by DU Happy Society. First of all, Happy Society? Wtf. What do they even do? But I mean come on, Chinese Lanterns are cool so we went. But despite RSVPing and paying 1 pound, we didn't even get a lantern. We were pretty disappointed. No, we were very disappointed. So we promised that we'll organise it ourselves under our event which we husted for-provided we got the roles we wanted...

I learnt that setting up a Chinese lantern is by no means and easy task. The wind was blowing like mad and it generally was a pretty disappointing night.

But tonight, tonight is the night that some thing different feels set in motion. I can't point my finger at it, I can't figure out exactly what it is.

We had a concert tonight. Yes, I stole the poster and it is now hanging nicely and being appreciated as it rightfully deserved. I sneakily took it down from the venue and walked out surreptitiously so no one could tell it was missing.  Not like they would care anyway.

It was a good performance we had tonight and I came back to even more love and good news.

I originally double booked my night. I had a concert to perform in and a formal to attend. How smart. Luckily I found someone to go in place of me so I can save all my Sunday night rehearsals and end the term with satisfaction. Like I said, it was a good concert. I'm really happy I made it, really happy they accepted me, just really happy in general. 

I came back and my friends saved me a tub of ice cream from the formal and oh my Lord strawberry cheesecake is awessooome. Just had to point that out in case you didn't already know.

Speaking about getting roles that we want. We got the roles that we wanted all right. My aforementioned team and I selling the tickets all belong to a society and we all ran for committee positions. We will officially be leading the society in its new direction in the academic year 2013/2014. Tomorrow, we are going to be outside the library once again and I can't believe that we all made it. We are going to be such a happy bunch! I'm pretty excited of our prospects and what will happen and what will be. This good gut feeling that I have is a sign to good things. 

And though the new start won't happen until we get through this year first, it will wait patiently as time flies past like a bullet so fast you wouldn't even notice it. I'm looking forward to it. But I have to say, I'm just happy. Plain and simply happy and satisfied. 

Love xx

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Pride and Prejudice...

I went to watch Pride & Prejudice last Monday night at University College. It was by Castle Theatre Company which is basically the college's theatre group. It was my first college play therefore I did not know what to expect. It was only 5.50 pounds so either way I knew I wouldn't end up massively disappointed or anything like that.

Watch out for Measles!
Anyway, I thought it was extremely appropriate that it was Castle that put up Pride & Prejudice (my college did Carbaret). While waiting for everyone to be sitted, I was looking around and nothing in the room except the audience suggested that we were in the year 2013. And when the actors came out, they did not look out of place at all. Even with so few props, the fact that they were acting against the backdrop of the walls of the Castle made it so believable that it was whatever year it was that Jane Austen intended it to be.

I thought the play turned out pretty good. Mrs Darcy was extreme in the ways she should have been, and Mr. Darcy's dryness was hilarious. Kitty and Lydia were as they were and Mary was constantly studying. I thought the actress playing Jane is so beautiful, she really really is. And so was the actress playing Elizabeth Bennet. I hate to say it but I found Colonel Fitzwilliam a much better looker than Mr. Darcy. Although Mr. Darcy did in all his air present a very commanding aura. So well casted indeed.

Jane is at the far right. She is gorgeous.

The Musicians' corner

It was a good night I had with my friend, the play lasted roughly 3 hours so it was definitely well worth the money. I only wished Durham wasn't such a small city so we could have went somewhere to have a little drink or have some light tidbits and chatted away before going home. But by the end, the city was sleeping silently and there was no way to go in the freezing air. So we took the nightbus and made our way home. 

Love xx

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Time turns flame to embers...

I'm thinking back to a few short months before when I arrived here in England anything but fresh faced. I was convinced I have seen most of what life could be, or at least most of what uni life would be. But I was wrong. I challenged my old views and put myself out there trying new things knowingly placing myself in positions of vulnerability. And I got hurt by it. In those weeks it didn't seem like I will ever move forward from them but instead will harbour them as scars deep in the corner in my mind. But  it hasn't been like that. I've move on and a long way too. I no longer care about the thorns that pierced me but instead have been grateful for the lesson learnt.

I guess its through hardships that we grow. Its through pain and suffering that we learn. I'm glad I've pushed myself cause I feel that I know so much more than I did before. I feel so unstoppable in the things that I can do and the choices that I can make. Life is like an open window waiting for you to take the jump out of the hole and into the unknown. Maybe you'll fall and get hurt but its never too much to pick yourself up and move on.

My lesson that I have yet to learn is to realise that nobody is perfect and that everyone has their flaws, including myself. I can't expect people to be a certain way just because I am, and I can't expect myself to be a certain way just because others are.

Life is a whirlwind for me right now. A roller coaster that travels way too fast and I'm sitted right in front screaming my lungs out. I know I'm a few days late, but here's to a good month ahead.

Love xx

Taylor Swift, Innocent

Monday, 4 March 2013

Week in review...

Firstly, happy 1st of March! I know its the 4th of March but I didn't post this up on the 1st so I'll do it now. Apparently, its a tradition in Bulgaria to go around and give friends bracelets. These bracelets are red signifying health and white signifying happiness. Or the other way round, I can't remember. Anyway, my friend told me that at the end of the day (back in Bulgaria where she comes from) you'll get so many of these bracelets from all your friends it goes all the way up your arm, or half of your arm. 

She also said something about tying them to flowers that have blossomed or something like that. I think its such a cool tradition that every should have. I am forever adopting this tradition. Hopefully, I'll never lose my bracelet as it's suppose to bring good luck. (Thanks to my dear friend who gave it to me.)

On that same day I was part of the organising team for a Fun Run event to raise funds for charity. It was basically hundreds of kids running around and mascots racing each other and stuff. It was quite a day, a windy day in fact.

The last book I bought from The Book Depository came, and so did the other stuff from Amazon. Boring stuff like hooks and ink. Boring but extremely important stuff.

The book I bought is titled Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. I don't usually read these kinds of books, and even the cover doesn't attract me (repels me in fact), but I've seen it on so many people's favourite books list that I assume it must be good. They're all girls of course. I shall read it and tell you all about it. If I like it I may even get it as a present for a friend when her birthday comes around. I love birthday presents!

I went to watch a play in the beginning of the week, I'll write all about it in a post after this. Complete with pictures and all, but don't expect too much, I am horrid at taking pictures. As I'm sure you can tell.

Three books for one presentation. This pretty much sums up my weekend. And all for nothing as my seminar today got cancelled. It was so nice outside as well... Which brings us to...

Flowers! Ok, I don't know if these particular flowers were always there but I just realised them today. And the others haven't actually blossomed yet. Coming from a country where there are literally no seasons, I never knew the significance of seeing flowers blooming. But now I get it, it means winter is on its way out. I can't wait, people tell me Spring is the best. But they also tell me that English Spring is unpredictable.

We shall see :) 

Hope you had a great week.

Love xx